Georgian-German International Summer School 2024 19.06.2024

Georgian-German International Summer School 2024

Georgian-German International Summer School 2024

"Supporting the development of Georgian small and medium-sized enterprises"

Registration to participate in the Georgian-German International Summer School begins!

From July 19 to July 25 this year, East European University, in collaboration with Aschaffenburg

University of Applied Sciences (Germany) and Tbilisi Humanitarian University, is organizing the Georgian-

German International Summer School: "Supporting the Development of Georgian Small and Medium


The starting point of the summer school is the Blue Ocean Strategy. Based on the mentioned method,

different approaches of strategic management will be studied within the framework of the summer


Small and medium enterprises (SME) are one of the main driving forces of the economy in both Georgia

and Germany. Therefore, the international summer school aims to raise the qualifications of business

students of East European University and Tbilisi Humanitarian University in various methods of strategic

management so that they can create strategies for the growth of Georgian small and medium-sized


Students participating in the summer school will be mentored by experienced professors from Georgia

and Germany.

Format: Groups of undergraduate and graduate business students from Germany and Georgia will

intensively spend one working week identifying potential concepts. At the end of the summer school,

students will present these concepts to potential stakeholders.

Summer school participation fee: Summer school participation is free for Georgian students.

Working language: English

Target group: Business students of East European University and Tbilisi Humanitarian University

Registration: Interested persons, please register using the following link

Registration deadline: July 10 of the current year.

Summer school date: 19.07.2024 – 25.07.2024

Address: East European University; Campus 1: st. Tbilisi. Enukidze st. 6, (Davit Agmashenebeli alley, next

to the US Embassy).

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