For the attention of applicants seeking internal mobility/status restore! 12.08.2016

For the attention of applicants seeking internal mobility/status restore!

Acceptance and registration of applications for inter...

Attention for students who wants move to Tbilisi Humanitarian Teaching University by mobility! 02.08.2016

Attention for students who wants move to Tbilisi Humanitarian Teaching University by mobility!

1. For students who wants move to Tbilisi Humanitarian Teaching University by mobility in...

THU Learning Process Has Been Completed 22.07.2016

THU Learning Process Has Been Completed

On June 27 Students of Faculty of Law, Economics and Business Management, Humanitarian and Healthcare Grad...

Between THU And Legal Assistance and Public Participation Municipal center Signed The Agreement 12.06.2016

Between THU And Legal Assistance and Public Participation Municipal center Signed The Agreement

2016 June 11, Between LTD Tbilisi Humanitarian Teaching University and "Legal Assistance and Public P...

3rd Inter-University Student Scientific Conference 30.05.2016

3rd Inter-University Student Scientific Conference

On May 28, 2016 in Tbilisi Humanitarian Teaching University Was Held Universiadein Student 3rd Scientific...

Third student conference 30.05.2016

Third student conference

On May 28, 2016, Tbilisi University Humanitarian Teaching University hosted the inter-univers...

Visit to Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia 24.05.2016

Visit to Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia

Students of Tbilisi Humanitarian Teaching University paid a visit to Academy of the Ministry...

Visit to Levan Samkharauli National Forensics Bureau 24.05.2016

Visit to Levan Samkharauli National Forensics Bureau

On March 20, 2014, students of the Tbilisi Humanitarian Teaching University visited Levan Sam...

Student days 2015 - Sand volleyball 24.05.2016

Student days 2015 - Sand volleyball

Student days 2015 - Sand volleyball 

Visit to Parliament of Georgia 24.05.2016

Visit to Parliament of Georgia

On June 12, 2015, students from the Tbilisi Humanitarian Teaching University visited the Parliament of Georgia - the legislative body o...

Visit to constitutional court of Georgia 24.05.2016

Visit to constitutional court of Georgia

Students of Law Faculty of Tbilisi Humanitarian Teaching University visited the Constitutiona...

Students of Tbilisi Humanitarian Teaching University 24.05.2016

Students of Tbilisi Humanitarian Teaching University

Students of Tbilisi Humanitarian Teaching University 

Memorandum of Cooperation Between THU And Board of Kaspi Municipality 23.05.2016

Memorandum of Cooperation Between THU And Board of Kaspi Municipality

On May 19, Tbilisi Humanitarian Teaching University and Board of Kaspi Municipality signed a Memorandum of...

Deputy Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences of Siauliai State University in THU 23.05.2016

Deputy Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences of Siauliai State University in THU

2016 On April 20, Tbilisi Humanitarian Teaching University Visited Deputy Dean of Faculty of Social Scienc...

British Royal Military Academy Professor Justin Potter in THU 23.05.2016

British Royal Military Academy Professor Justin Potter in THU

On May 21, 2016 at 12:00 Tbilisi Humanitarian Teaching University Visited the British Royal Military Academy Professor Justin Potter. J...

Negotiations With the St. Petersburg Academic University 23.04.2016

Negotiations With the St. Petersburg Academic University

Tbilisi Humanitarian Teaching University Negotiates Cooperation Agreement With the St. Petersburg Academic...

Students' Attention! 21.04.2016

Students' Attention!

By the Initiative of Youth and Sports Ministry of Georgia,  from May 5 to June 10 W...

Competition For The Vacant Academic Positions! 21.04.2016
THU congratulates Tamar Laliashvili! 05.04.2016

THU congratulates Tamar Laliashvili!

Tbilisi Humanitarian University congratulates Ms. Tamar Laliashvili, Professor of th...
