Kharkov International Forum - 2021 (September 20-24) 30.09.2021

Kharkov International Forum - 2021 (September 20-24)

Kharkov International Forum was held on September 20-24, 2021. Organizer, THU Partner, Kharkov Yaroslav the Wise National Law University....

Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Business and Management - Prof. Nona Gelitashvili's participation in the online symposium of the University of Applied Sciences in Aschaffenburg 29.09.2021

Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Business and Management - Prof. Nona Gelitashvili's participation in the online symposium of the University of Applied Sciences in Aschaffenburg

On September 23, 2021, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Business and Management - Prof. Nona Gelitashvili participated in the Second...

Training on reviewing organized by EURAXESS 28.09.2021

Training on reviewing organized by EURAXESS

Marine Shavlakadze, Associate Professor at Tbilisi Humanitarian University, attended a peer review training on September 28, 2021, organiz...

EURAXESS Georgia National Portal International Inauguration Event 23.09.2021

EURAXESS Georgia National Portal International Inauguration Event

Marine Shavlakadze, Associate Professor of Tbilisi Humanitarian University, attended the EURAXESS Georgia National Portal International In...

Announced The Results of an Open Competition For Vacant Academic Positions! 22.09.2021

Announced The Results of an Open Competition For Vacant Academic Positions!

Results of open competition announced for vacant academic position by "Tbilisi Humanitarian Teaching University" LLC:

International Conference (LBIS) on - Developing Perspectives in Social Science 15.09.2021

International Conference (LBIS) on - Developing Perspectives in Social Science

On 9,10,11 September 2021, the online platform ZOOM hosted the International Conference on Legal, Business and Innovation Studies (LBIS) o...

Announced The Results of an Open Competition For Vacant Academic Positions! 04.09.2021

Announced The Results of an Open Competition For Vacant Academic Positions!

Results of open competition announced for vacant academic position by "Tbilisi Humanitarian Teaching University" LLC:

Registration of Freshmen! 02.09.2021

Registration of Freshmen!

Registration of freshmen at Tbilisi Humanitarian University will take place from September 6, 2021 to September 17, 2021.

V Kharkiv International Legal Forum 31.08.2021

V Kharkiv International Legal Forum

The Fifth Kharkov International Legal Forum is organized by the Yaroslav Mudr National Law University of Ukraine from September 20-24....

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions: Strategic Insights 23.08.2021

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions: Strategic Insights

Marine Shavlakadze, Associate Professor of Tbilisi Humanitarian University, attended the international webinar on "Marie Sklodowska-C...

II Online International Scientific-Practical Interdisciplinary Conference December 6, 2021 12.08.2021

II Online International Scientific-Practical Interdisciplinary Conference December 6, 2021

Online International Scientific-Practical Interdisciplinary Conference December 6, 2021

Announced The Results of an Open Competition For Vacant Academic Positions! 12.08.2021

Announced The Results of an Open Competition For Vacant Academic Positions!

Results of open competition announced for vacant academic position by "Tbilisi Humanitarian Teaching University" LLC:

Competition For The Vacant Academic Positions! 10.08.2021
The Faculty of Law congratulates the partner organization - the Union of Law Scholars on another success 07.08.2021

The Faculty of Law congratulates the partner organization - the Union of Law Scholars on another success

The Faculty of Law congratulates Zura Chkonia, Chairman of the Union of Law Scholars, each member of the Union and the Editorial Board of...

Defense of Bachelor's Theses at Faculty of Economics, Business and Management 06.08.2021

Defense of Bachelor's Theses at Faculty of Economics, Business and Management

On July 15-23, 2021, at the Faculty of Economics, Business and Management of the Tbilisi Humanitarian University, the defense of bachelor&...

Defense of Bachelor's Theses at Faculty of Law 29.07.2021

Defense of Bachelor's Theses at Faculty of Law

On July 14-23, 2021, at the Faculty of Law of Tbilisi Humanitarian University, the defense of bachelor's theses took place online....

Results of THU Internal Grant Competition 27.07.2021

Results of THU Internal Grant Competition

In order to support and develop scientific research activities through THU internal grant system, THU Associate Professor Marine Shavlakadze was funded a grant project...
