The Administrative Law Forum will be held on December 18, 2021 04.12.2021

The Administrative Law Forum will be held on December 18, 2021

Georgian Lawyers for Independent Profession, organized by the Center for the Development of Legal Profession and the International Black S...

The 2nd Online International Scientific-Practical Interdisciplinary Conference Program 01.12.2021

The 2nd Online International Scientific-Practical Interdisciplinary Conference Program

The 2nd Online International Scientific-Practical Interdiscipl...

Successful project of the European Union and the Council of Europe in Georgia 25.11.2021

Successful project of the European Union and the Council of Europe in Georgia

Report on the Systemic Map of National Hate Response Mechanisms An online event was...

Zotero - a program for collecting and managing scientific sources 05.11.2021

Zotero - a program for collecting and managing scientific sources

We would like to inform you that at the initiative of the National Scientific Library, a training on "Zotero - Collection and Managem...

International Conference in the framework of the DAAD project 05.11.2021

International Conference in the framework of the DAAD project

On October 28, 2021, an online international conference was held under the auspices of the DAAD project, the Bologna Center, focusing on t...

Scholarships, study programs (undergraduate, graduate, doctoral) and short-term courses abroad - International Online Education Exhibition Tbilisi 2021 04.11.2021

Scholarships, study programs (undergraduate, graduate, doctoral) and short-term courses abroad - International Online Education Exhibition Tbilisi 2021

The exhibition is held for those who are interested in studying abroad, receiving scholarships and grants, internships, summer schools, sh...

Online international scientific discussion on the topic - Topical issues of necessary repulsion and urgency in criminal law 03.11.2021

Online international scientific discussion on the topic - Topical issues of necessary repulsion and urgency in criminal law

Tbilisi Humanitarian University, a partner organization of the Law Scientists, will hold an online international discussion on "Urgen...

Marine Shavlakadze, Associate Professor at THU, received a certificate at a webinar organized by EURAXESS Worldwide 01.11.2021

Marine Shavlakadze, Associate Professor at THU, received a certificate at a webinar organized by EURAXESS Worldwide

Marine Shavlakadze, Associate Professor at Tbilisi Humanitarian University, received a certificate at a webinar organized by EURAXESS Worl...

Participate in an international webinar 26.10.2021

Participate in an international webinar

Marine Shavlakadze, Associate Professor of Tbilisi Humanitarian University, will deliver a speech at the International Webinar on November...

Introductory Meeting of the Library Representative for Freshmen 24.10.2021

Introductory Meeting of the Library Representative for Freshmen

On October 26, at 14:00, the representative of the library of Tbilisi Humanitarian University will hold an introductory meeting for the fr...

Giorgi Svianadze's public lecture will be held on November 10, 2021 18.10.2021

Giorgi Svianadze's public lecture will be held on November 10, 2021

Giorgi Svianadze's public lecture will be held on November 10, 2021

Lasha Davitadze's public lecture will be held on November 1, 2021 15.10.2021

Lasha Davitadze's public lecture will be held on November 1, 2021

Lasha Davitadze's public lecture will be held on November 1, 2021

Davit Geferidze, Professor of the Faculty of Law of THU, in the TV Program 15.10.2021

Davit Geferidze, Professor of the Faculty of Law of THU, in the TV Program

The TV column "Conversations on Aviation" is dedicated to Professor Davit Geferidze's textbook "International Air Law&q...

Participate in an international conference on Education and New Learning Technologies  (EDULEARN) 08.10.2021

Participate in an international conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN)

Marine Shavlakadze and Nana Bichenovi Associate Professors of Tbilisi Humanitarian Teaching University, participated in the International...

Information on Eifl Publishings and Magazines 08.10.2021

Information on Eifl Publishings and Magazines

Please be informed that Eifl periodically adds to the list of publishing houses and magazines where Georgian authors have the opportunity

Memorandum of Understanding Signed between Tbilisi Humanitarian University and the University of Insubria (Italy) 06.10.2021

Memorandum of Understanding Signed between Tbilisi Humanitarian University and the University of Insubria (Italy)

Tbilisi Humanitarian University and the University of Insubri (Italy) have signed a memorandum of unde...
